Teenage Treatment

Adolescent treatment is usually started when all or almost all of the adult teeth are through and often timed with the pubertal growth spurt. Many treatment options are now available for teenage patients including:

  • Conventional metal fixed on braces, to which colours may be added if requested.
  • Clear cosmetic fixed on braces. Usually placed on the upper front teeth and therefore reducing the visibility of appliances.
  • Clear aligner therapy (Invisalign). A computer-programmed series of aligners are custom manufactured, designed to gradually correct tooth and bite positions. Aligners are very discrete and are removed for eating and brushing. Due to the removable nature of the appliance good compliance is essential if optimum outcomes are to be achieved.
  • Lingual fixed braces.

Teenage treatment is routinely comprehensive with a view to not only creating a beautiful smile but one, which is in harmony with the face and profile with excellent function.

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